Artist: Codie Prevost
Album: Spin
Year: 2008
Label: Good Spirit
Order-#: GSR-CD 002

© 2008 / Bruno Michel

Compared to his Album The Road Ahead published three years ago, Codie Prevost has cut in half the number of songs on his actual release Spin, which however does not impact the quality at all. He calls it his very first sixpack, the real reason for this being that he did not want to wait three years between full albums to get new music to his fans. Chosing this way is more economic and reduces the fan's waiting time. Good idea.

Codie Prevost shows with his selection of songs that also a sixpack can have it's variety. The title track Spin is a catchy tune that gets you to sing along. More the rocky way is Good Living and as a contrast the calmly presented Call Me When You Get There. Things go good for Codie in One Of Those Days. Then there's also these bad days like in Quicksand, where you go to the bar and have a few thinking about life and it's turns. Meeting a special girl can be Breathtaking. Well, as long as it does not make Codie speechless (or better voiceless) that's ok.

Here comes again a promising canadian musician and songwriter, of whom you will certainly hear more in the coming years. Despite the basically good idea about the 6-pack: This CD could easily take more than double as long to listen to without getting boring.

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